Embracing Eco-Friendly Solutions: Sustainable Pothole Repair for Salford City Council.

Argyle is currently undertaking a patching repair programme for Salford City Council, which is being met with resounding success, gaining recognition for its effectiveness and contribution to environmental sustainability.

As part of our ongoing commitment to our Carbon Footprint Reduction initiative, Argyle have been working with some of our trusted suppliers, who have been able to provide us with an eco-friendly, close to carbon negative, flowable road repair material that contains 9 end-of-life tyres recycled into every ton.


Elastomac: A greener path to pothole repair

Elastomac is an environmentally friendly material that not only addresses the issue of potholes effectively, but also aligns with a broader commitment to sustainability. Unlike traditional repair methods that often involve resource intensive processes, Elastomac offers a much greener solution that minimises the environmental impact.

Non-invasive repairs for enhanced efficiency

One of the most remarkable aspects of Elastomac is it’s non-invasive application. Unlike traditional asphalt repair methods that require extensive excavation and compaction, this needs neither. Ultimately, this means that road repairs can be carried out with minimal disruption to the surrounding environment and traffic flow.

This innovative approach, not only ensures timely repairs, but also contributes to a more sustainable and seamless infrastructure.


Overall, as we continue to collaborate with forward thinking suppliers to introduce eco-friendly solutions, this can only benefit towns and city’s commitments to effective and sustainable infrastructure management.

Through these combined efforts, Salford City Council is paving the way towards a more sustainable and resilient urban landscape.

To find out more about how Argyle can support you in your net zero targets, please get in touch! info@argylenw.co.uk